The Canadian 99s

2022 September

Gold Cup Air Rally at the NCDRA

2022 September the 99s Gold Cup Air Rally at the NCDRA

The Gold Cup Air Rally was set up as a more relaxed flying event for members of the Ninety Nines Association of Women Pilots, aimed at those looking for a fun aviation occasion without the intense competition of the more grueling Air Race Classic. The Niagara Central Dorothy Rungeling Airport (CNQ3) hosted the Rally from September 9-11 of 2022.

Six aircraft were originally entered, but one had to cancel. The various aircraft are based at Parry Sound, Brockville, Markham, Kitchener and Brampton. The copilots are from many other airports. All 16 ladies were licensed pilots, with two others, one licensed and one student, coming for part of the event for a total of 18 lady pilots. On arrival, each team took "pictures with Dorothy Rungeling" and the planes they arrived in. Signature lasagna from Blue Star Restaurant in Welland was served in the Air Cadet hall to 16 hungry aviators as our welcome meal. Thanks go out to the Cadets for allowing the use of their hall.

The COPA 149 Courtesy Van made it easy and convenient to shuttle guests to and from the Best Western Hotel in Welland. Some early arrivals went for lunch and shopping in Port Colborne.

The Awards Banquet was held at Taris on the Waters in Welland, again using the COPA 149 Courtesy Van for convenient transportation.

Special events like this underscore the value of the Niagara Central Dorothy Rungeling Airport to the communities that it serves, along with the daily business activities that take place.

Slide Show: The Gold Cup Air Rally September 2022 The 99s

Award Winners

The winners were Kathy Sutton and Madison Coutu, flying a Glastar from Brampton.

The group shot of the 6 winners ( L-R) are third place winners Val Marshall and Rani Tolton (in a C-172 from Brockville), first place winners Madison Coutu and Kathy Sutton (in a Glastar from Brampton) and second place winners Hella Comat and Marilyn Dickson (in an RV6 from Kitchener).

Award winners

Award winners

Poster for the Gold Cup Air Rally
The Gold Cup Racers

The Gold Cup Racers

Pictures, poster and logo courtesy of the Canadian 99s, Akky Mansikka and Cathy Boyko